Data Recovery & Hard Disk Repair
Have you lost your files due to carelessness or a mechanical problem of your hard drive?
Have you accidentally erased some important file from you recycling bin, formated your hard drive or are not able to view your hard drive on your computer?
In each one of these cases, we can help!

The success rates speak for themselves!
Problem of electronic board on the hard disk
- There is a clearly burnt chip ?
- The board of the disk smells burnt ?
- There is overheating of the electronic circuit board of the hard disk ?
- The drive does not spin to start ?
- The drive does not get power ?
- The drive connectors have broken ?
Problem on the board of the hard drive (a problem in PCB)
Particularly frequent in disks received by the laboratory are electronic failures at some point in the circuit board of the disk (the PCB). Burnt resistors, diodes, chapped integrated chip, spoiled “roads” are the problems faced daily by our specialized personnel.
Against Overvoltages from the power network may pass through the system of the computer and cause damage to sensitive electronic circuits such as of the hard disk. To avoid such situations it is best to use a UPS with voltage stabilizer. Several times the hypertension may be caused by the power supply of the computer itself , event from which we can not protect ourselves. A hypertension when reaches the electronic board of the disc can simply destroy a channel or go into integrated circuits where the damage is greater. Very common problem especially in Western Digital Disks is the destruction of SMOOTH chip on the board, which is the driving mechanism of the head. When such damage occurs usually the current passes through the disk and burn the Pre Amplifier circuit located above the head of the disk.
The cases where we have a problem on the board on modern disks, is not something simple.They all have a ROM chip which must be replaced or re-programmed, using special tools such as PC-3000. Such tools are not widely available in the market because of their high costs. In TicTac we have PC-3000 units and other specialized tools that allow the repair or reprogramming of the board of the disk.
Technical issues
It is not wise to try to replace the board of your disk!
- A problematic board may be only an apparent problem. When hypertension passes from the electronic circuit of the disk can also pass through the disk and burn the preamplifier circuit .
- If you attemp to change the board of your drive even with a compatible one, and the problem is not the board but the preamplifier of the disk or the heads, then your disk may become irrecoverable due to internal malfunction. In our laboratory your disk is checked extensively with diagnostic tools before deciding if the problem is the board or other.
- The PCB of the disk in the new models must be reprogrammed to operate before being placed in a disk.
- You should not tamper with the original PCB of the disk and you should always have the original board to recover data. Many of the information for the startup of the disk is stored only on the original PCB of the disk.
- On the internet you will find enough selling PCBs. For the above reasons it is unwise to put your data at risk by experimenting. If your data is not so important and you can not bear the cost of data recovery, then you can experiment. But if these are important files that you have no backup, it is not wise to put at risk. Sometimes the experiments of our customers have made their disks irrecoverable for everyone.
- The most proper approach is to contact our company before you do anything, get a financial offer and if you can not afford the cost, then you can experiment.
So if your data is important contact us directly to diagnose your disk.
Damaged Hard Drive
- I have a problem with my hard drive !
- My hard disk doesn’t work !
- The hard drive is not recognized by BIOS !
- I can hear a sound like “tic tac “coming from my disk !
- My hard disk isn’t getting power !
- I’ve lost important data from my disk and I don’t have backup
If you have a problem with your system hard driveand you have no backup of your files, do not despair. Data Recovery Labs can make recovery of your data storage medium that has a mechanical problem or any problem in the circuit board (PCB).
If you want to find out in which Damage category you are, then check the description of symptoms of the various categories and match any of the symptoms that you are facing :
Damage Category | Description of Symptoms | |
Logical Data Recovery | A. Fully functional disk with lost files Logical Data Recovery is the process were we can recover lost files from a fully functional disk. You can find below some of the common problems of this category: >Lost partition – Problem when partitioning the disk >Damaged partition – Partition which is not recognized or deleted >File deletion by mistake >File problem by virus / spyware >Deleted email Lost email (fromOutlook, Outlook express, Thunderbird etc) – Problem with .pst file >Database problem – Cannot open sql or mdb file >Write files over otherDeleted documents | |
Firmware Data Recovery | B. Problem within the program (firmware) of your hard disk >The drive sounds like it spins but I have no access to data >The hard drive suddenly disappeared from my system >My hard drive appears as 0GB >The drive shows a message that it needs format >The disk can not start, it sounds like TicTac – Click of Death | |
PCB Repair Recovery | C. Problem on hard disk board Problems relating to the electronic circuit of the disk: >There is a clearly burnt chip >The board of the disk smells burnt >Overheating of the electronic circuit board of the hard disk >The drive does not spin to start >The drive does not get power | |
Physical Data Recovery | D. Mechanical problem Problems in the mechanical parts of the hard disk which are usually presented with the following symptoms on your hard disk: >Noise is heard from the disk >The disk can not start, it sounds like TicTac – Click of Death >Problem with the drive heads >A strong sound comes from the disk >The disk fell down and stopped be recognized by the operating system >The disk fell while working |
I’ve lost my files. What should I do?

The Alpha and the Omega of data retrieval on any device lies in the hands of technical know-how and the methodology used by the technical company-technician.
It’s common for owners of problematic storage devices to attempt fixing the issue themselves, or addressing the matter to people with no experience, resulting in further damage and lessening the chances of data restoration.
Therefore, when critical files are lost, it’s crucial that whoever interferes be chosen carefully.
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